Volunteer experience with Hands for Help Nepal…7 week orphanage placement.
I chose Hands for Help because of the variety of projects available and as a local, grassroots organisation I hoped the projects would be well tailored to the needs of the local communities and provide good support for volunteers. I wasn’t disappointed. The induction in Kathmandu gave me an opportunity to acclimatise, learn a surprising amount of Nepali from my excellent teacher, visit some of the most beautiful sights in the city, and enjoy the wonderful rooftop views of the city from the Millennium Inn…. On my 4 th day I was met by Badri, the volunteer coordinator and Kripa Lama who ran the orphanage that I would be staying at, and taken to my placement on the outskirts of Bhaktapur . My room was in the orphanage ‘annex’ where 5 babies, and 6 small children, a cook, Kripa, his wife and Nima a relative all lived. The other 40 children lived across the road in a larger house (ours had 3 rooms, a kitchen and a toilet), and I was struck by how small the house was as w...