Volunteer Remark

I decided to volunteer in Nepal because I am a student of Buddhism and an avid hiker.
Quickly upon arriving in Kathmandu, I decided the city did not offer what I was looking for, so decided to volunteer at the Hyulsa Gumba (monestary) near Besishahar, approx. 6 hours away. The lush, serene setting of the Gumba was exactly what I was looking for. The accommodations and lack of privacy took some time to adjust to (and it was also my first experience with a non-Western toilet!), but the warmth and beauty of the landscape and the monks put me at ease and made the days fly by. I hadn't realized how close Annapurna was from the Gumba--it is possible to start the trek from the Gumba if you're interested. Another tip I want to give is to bring plenty of pens--which are frequently requested by the children you will encounter near the Gumba.
Volunteering immersed me into the Nepalese and Buddhist culture in ways I would have not received as a tourist.

Barbara Ehlers

St., Apt. 208, Kew Gardens

NY 11415, USA


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